1. Roshan Zamil - Facebook
Studied at OKI International School · Went to OKI INTERNATIONAL · Lives in Colombo, Sri Lanka · From Colombo, Sri Lanka · See more about Roshan.
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2. Students - Starlit School of English - Astute
MD ZAMILLUR RIZA ROSHAN, Play Group, Bangla Medium, Day, Polash, Islam, Male. 2025004, Ayaan Sarfaraz, Play Group, Bangla Medium, Day, Polash, Islam, Male.
3. Category:Rawshan Jamil - Wikimedia Commons
15 nov 2020 · Name in native language. রওশন জামিল ; Country of citizenship. Bangladesh · British Raj · Pakistan ; Educated at. Eden Girls' College ; Occupation.
Bangladeshi actress (1931-2002)
4. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Brain Gym and Educational Games ...
27 nov 2024 · Most read articles by the same author(s). Hosna Karimi, Marjan Jafari Roshan ... Alaa Sabah Mohammed Alnuaimi , Zahra Yousefi, Ali Enad Zamil ...
Objective: The present study aimed to compare the effectiveness of Brain Gym and educational games on improving the social skills of 8-10 year-old students with a two-month follow-up study. Methods and Materials: The present study was a quasi-experimental research with a pre-test, post-test, and two-month follow-up design, including a control group and two experimental groups. The research population consisted of all 8-10 year-old female students in Ahvaz, among whom 120 were selected as the research sample. Nine students were excluded from the study due to irregular attendance at the educational sessions. In this study, the Matson Social Skills Questionnaire was used to assess social skills at three time points: before the intervention, after the intervention, and during the two-month follow-up. The Brain Gym group underwent 20 sessions, with sessions held twice a week for 20 minutes each. The educational games group participated in an 8-week program, with sessions held twice a week for 30-45 minutes each. The control group did not receive any intervention. Findings: The results of the Bonferroni post-hoc test showed no significant difference between the effects of Brain Gym and educational games on improving the social skills of 8-10 year-old students (p > 0.05). However, there was a significant difference between the post-test scores and the pre-test scores for each intervention (p < 0.01). Conclusion: Overall, the results of this study indicate that interventions in...
5. [PDF] Bangladesh Medical Association (BMA) Final List of General Member ...
KAZI ZAMIL AHMED. F/Name: Kazi Mohammad Ali Zinnah. M/Name: Kazi Masura Begom ... M/Name: Rawshan Ara Begum. BM&DC Reg. No: A-62825. NID: 3735468542. Cell ...
6. Developing a structural model of women's sense of happiness based ...
1 sep 2023 · Rasoul Roshan Chesli Professor, Department of Psychology, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran ... Background and Aim: A happy marriage consists ...
Background and Aim: A happy marriage consists of factors such as commitment, respect, intimacy, trust, etc., in their absence, married life faces serious problems. The purpose of this research was to develop a structural model of women's happiness based on the quality of marital relationship and interpersonal trust with the mediating role of dark personality traits. Methods: The research method was descriptive correlation with structural equation approach. The statistical population of the research was all married women in Tehran in 2021. The sample size was 448 people who were selected by the purposeful available sampling method, which was filled with Taghizadeh and Shadmehri happiness questionnaires (2015), Enrich Olson's marital satisfaction (2006), Rempel et al.'s interpersonal trust (2001) and Johnson's dark personality traits. and Webster (2010) were evaluated. The method of analysis and analysis of the findings was done using structural equation modeling. Results: The analysis and analysis of the findings showed that the structural model of the research is suitable with the collected data and dark personality traits positively affect and significantly mediates the relationship between the quality of marital relationship and interpersonal trust with women's sense of happiness. Conclusion: According to the results of the research, it is possible to provide the necessary solutions regarding the relationships of couples according to the discussed variables.
7. Moaz Quraini Email & Phone Number | Passifire - Passive Fire Protection ...
Moaz Quraini Education · American University of Beirut. Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) ( Mechanical Engineering, 3.88). 2010 - 2012 · The Hashemite University.
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8. The Effect of Islamic Religious Education Learning Models in ...
The background in this study is the influence of the Islamic religious education learning ... Ayidh Saad Mahdi Alsallum , Sultan Aymanhamdan Alsharari , Zamil ...
The background in this study is the influence of the Islamic religious education learning model in increasing learning activity in class VIII SMP Muhammadiyah Parepare which is based on Law No. 12 of 2012 and Qs Al-Alaq/96:1-5 as well as field facts that occur. The type of research used is quantitative research which is located at SMP Muhammadiyah Parepare. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data. The population is 61 students and the sample is 22 students. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are validation and reliability tests, descriptive analysis, data requirements test and hypothesis testing. Research results that have been obtained by research based on data analysis, namely. 1) The Islamic Religious Education learning model has an average total score of 75.6061, this indicates that Islamic Religious Education learning is in the medium category. 2) Student activeness has an average score70.9470this shows Student Active Learning is in the categorycurrently.3) there is a relationship between the learning model of Islamic religious education on student learning activeness in class VIII SMP Muahammadiya Parepare as evidenced by hypothesis testing with a significance value of 0.001 <0.05, with a determinant efficiency of 0.541% which indicates that Ho is accepted.
9. [PDF] Fall Convocation - University of Houston
31 aug 2023 · Yousef Zamil. Page 24. 24. 2023 Scholarships. Honors College Scholarships. Students in good standing are eligible to apply for Honors College ...
10. [PDF] Participant List | World Bank
20 okt 2019 · ... Education. Relationship & Health. Nigeria. Muttaqa. Abdulra'uf. Research ... Zamil. Chairman of the Board. Gulf International Bank - Saudi.
11. [PDF] Sr No - PCMC.GOV
... ROSHAN HARDWARE. 27470695228V Please register through deemed registration ... ZAMIL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY GLOBAL PVT LTD27150652724V Please register ...
12. Osama Hasan Email & Phone Number | Zamil Group Trade & Services Co ...
jordan University of science and technology. Bachelor's degree (Engineering). 1992 - 1997 · Arab Open University. Master of Business Administration - MBA ...
Get Osama Hasan's email address (o******@zamilcd.com.sa) and phone number (+966 50 381 ....) at RocketReach. Get 5 free searches.
13. [PDF] S.No - GST & Central Excise Tamil Nadu & Puducherry Zone
14. [PDF] 545 record(s) printed from Clarivate Web of Science
Author(s): Alzamil, ZS (Alzamil, Zamil S.); Vasarhelyi, MA (Vasarhelyi ... Source: NURSE EDUCATION TODAY Volume: 81 Pages: 72-77 DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt ...